Paella with Chorizos, Mussels, and shrimp.

Items we carry for this dish: Paella seasoning, paella rice


Venezuelan Arepas with shredded beef.

Items we carry for this dish: arepa mix, seasonings & spices

A simple empanada recipe

Items we carry for this dish: empanada discs, herbs & spices


Paleo Chimichurri Steak

items we carry for this dish: Chimichurri, herbs & Spices

Simple chicken posole

Items we carry for this dish: Posole, Herbs & spices

simple carne asada tacos

Items we carry for this dish: Seasoning, spices, marinades

Dulce de leche crepe cake - perfect for special occasions

items we carry for this: dulce de leche, vanilla

Organic vegan meatballs

Items we carry for this dish: Paprika, virgin olive oil, parsley, oregano, tomato sauce, sea salt, garbanzo beans